domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

As próximas visitas...

01 January 2013 -Comet P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist) Closest To Earth
02 January 2013 -Comet C/2011 UF305 (LINEAR) Closest To Earth

03.04 January 2013 - Quadrantid meteor shower, get to have up to 40 meteors per hour. The highest rate of meteors per hour took place in 1932 (80/ hour). The best time for observations is a dark place after midnight. Meteors radiate close to the North Star.
09 January 2013- 99942 Apophis - The asteroid should peak at about apparent magnitude 15.7.

15 February 2013 - Asteroid 2012 DA14  will pass by Earth at an altitude of 27.000 km

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